jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Religious implications

Can religion affect International Trade?
Even if the relationship between religion and international trade may be a complex one, religion influences international trade in several ways; mainly because religion is a determinant of culture and an institution that guides human behavior.So, when a religious culture encourages hard work and production, it is more possible that it will also encourage international trade.
Also because people that have similar religious beliefs with people from other countries, may create networks that facilitate economic transactions across borders, let´s remember when in history class we were taught how Islamic merchants were able to control commerce in the Mediterranean by forming trade networks there and in North Africa.

What is the function of religion?
Psychological needs

Religions help humans explain death
They are also helpful to relieve the anxieties about the unknown
They are very helful to ease the stress during personal life crisis

Social Needs:
Religions encourage a sense of unity
Religions reinforce group norms
They reinforce group identity

What are the main religions around the world? (ranked by number of followers)
  1. Christianity: 2.1 billion
  2. Islam: 1.5 billion
  3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
  4. Hinduism: 900 million
  5. Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
  6. Buddhism: 376 million

Question for the blog
What is the dominant religion in Colombia? What are the religious implications for doing business here? Give examples.

Catholicism is the primary main religion in the country, catholicism doesn´t prohibit wealth creation or private property, and it doesn´t have many implications in business. Anyway, managers should abstain from including in their products and promotional campaigns elements or phrases that could dishonor sacred symbols like the byble and the cross, mainly because catholic followers may feel offended.

The impact of religion on international trade. (2008). Available at:

Sin Kit I. 2011. Religion and business, Organization and cultures course, 2011, Universidad EAFIT.

Main religions around the world ranked by number. Available at: http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html

Religious symbols. Available at: http://www.bnet.com/blog/salesmachine/would-you-buy-from-an-atheist/303

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